Jan Bevington

A great soul left this earth plane at the weekend.

On Sunday evening, 17 November 2024, Jan Bevington, died after a long struggle with illness. Jan was best known as the founder of Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary which she created after finding a common seal pup on the beach outside her home almost 40 years ago and which soon earned her the title “Selkiewife”.

Jan was born in post-war Preston, England, in September 1947. She arrived in Shetland aged just 24 having spent three years living in the USA during the turbulent late ‘60s where she was deeply influenced by the hippie revolution and the peace movement, famously attending the decade’s two most well-known music festivals, Woodstock and Altamont.

She moved to Shetland in 1971 after working as a social worker in the north of England following her return from the USA, and landed a job at the St Magnus Bay Hotel in Hillswick.

There she met and married Tony Morgan with whom she bore three children, Gavin, Amy and Holly, and in 1976 the couple purchased the former knitwear factory at The Booth, where Shetland’s oldest pub was still operational.

In their hands, the pub became a huge success during the oil era serving the vast number of construction workers who descended on the islands, alongside the local clientele.

The couple separated in 1982 when Jan took over the reins of the pub as a single mother with three young children. Under her energetic stewardship The Booth became legendary for its music nights and fancy dress events, which are still talked about to this day.

Jan had always been a great lover of wildlife and nature, and when she came across a premature seal pup being washed up on the beach in Hillswick after a busy night in the pub in May 1987, she realised her true purpose in life had found her.

Rumour spread about what she was doing and by the end of that summer she was caring for seven seal pups…and the rest is history.

Initially her efforts to rescue seals attracted a mixed reception, with some members of the islands’ traditional fishing community regarding seals as a threat to their livelihoods and frowning on her new found vocation.

But Jan persisted and soon found herself on board the Wildlife Response Coordinating Committee (WRCC), which managed the islands’ oil spill response plan on behalf of the council and the locally based oil industry.

There she met and became friendly with the famous Shetland naturalist Bobby Tulloch who persuaded her to take over his role looking after otters. Having sat through an entire committee meeting, he approached her to pop the question. When she agreed, he plucked a sleeping otter cub from under his jumper and placed it under hers, adding a new role for the growing sanctuary.

Initially Jan only had her children’s paddling pool to work with and kept the seals in an old cooperage with half a roof, and no electricity or running water. Her pleas for financial help went unheeded until the Braer oil spill in January 1993, when the terminal operator BP told her: “Our purses are open”.

During the disaster response Jan found herself the centre of worldwide media attention, and accommodating more than 350 volunteers, as well as 600 members of the world’s press who descended on The Booth wanting to capture images of stricken seals and otters.

On the eve of the oil spill Jan had been ready to close The Booth as the pub was on the verge of bankruptcy. However the emergency allowed her to improve the animal care facilities with help from the council and the oil industry, and brought in enough donations from around the world for her to convert the pub into a vegetarian café, which she operated with volunteers, serving meals in return for donations to the sanctuary.

Da Böd Café became a roaring success after a slow start and operated until 2009 when Jan decided she had had enough of spending her summers serving the public and wanted to spend more time outdoors.

In the year of the Braer disaster, Jan met local journalist Pete Bevington, who had just returned to Shetland after spending two years in Australia. Having decided she never wanted anything to do with another journalist after her experience during the oil spill, it was ironic that the two should fall in love and they married in 1996.

The couple worked closely together running the sanctuary and the café with volunteers arriving to help every summer from all corners of the world, while Pete worked with the Shetland News website to provide the couple with a regular income.

In 2014 the WRCC offered to provide financial assistance to improve the animal care facilities and after several years of negotiations, they raised more than £450,000 from the oil industry, the local council, the European LEADER Fund and the wildlife charity World Animal Protection to secure the sanctuary’s future.

The couple also ran a successful fundraising campaign that continues to support the sanctuary with donations from kind and generous people in Shetland, the UK mainland and around the world.

Construction finally began in the winter of 2020, but within weeks of work starting Jan became ill and ended up in hospital with heart problems. She never fully recovered her health and last year was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Despite a huge effort to keep going, she finally passed away on Sunday night at home in the arms of her beloved husband.

Jan’s devotion to wildlife and her deep integrity to her belief in the importance of nurturing nature in all its forms had a profound influence on the many people who came into contact with her. She kept her dream of a fully functional wildlife sanctuary alive until it became a reality, and was saddened that she herself was not able to enjoy the fruits of her efforts.

However her dream of creating a wildlife community has flowered with help arriving from near and far to ensure Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary has a long term future and her legacy is secured.

For the love of wildlife
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary rescues seals, otters and cetaceans that are in trouble and help rehabilitate them to be released back into the wild.

As Shetland’s only wildlife sanctuary, we have been caring for sick, injured and abandoned seals and otters since 1987, successfully rehabilitating and releasing hundreds of creatures back into the wild.We also help coordinate the rescue of stranded whales, dolphins and porpoises around Shetland’s 1,700 mile long coastline.

We rely on donations to continue our work… your support is greatly appreciated.
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Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
06 March 2025 at 20:58
A day of surprises and sadness today. This morning a call came in from john_moncrieff about a seal needing help down in Boddam. It sounded like a victim of the recent storms we’ve been having, so we drove the 60 miles to the south end to check and there it was cradled in the kelp on the beach, barely visible to the passer by. It looked different - a bit like a common seal, but different. We picked it up and took it straight to shetlandvets to get medication as it was clearly unwell, with dried blood around its mouth. They agreed - it was a ringed seal from the Arctic, an extremely rare visitor to these parts. So armed with lungworm treatment and antibiotics we drove back to the sanctuary, by which time the seal was going downhill fast and within less than an hour it had passed away just as we were preparing the medication. Such a sad and sudden end to the story after such an unusual discovery. It turns out that a ringed seal generated excitement about two weeks ago when it was seen in the Firth of Forth. It’s hard to be 100% certain, but it certainly looks like this is the same seal. And how many ringed seals turn up on Scotland’s east coast? So the next stage will be a necropsy to find out what the cause of death was, while we get over the shock of the experience. It’s never easy losing a seal, even if you’ve only been with it for a few hours. #selkie #ringedseal #shetland
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
02 February 2025 at 20:32
Today is the ancient Celtic festival of Imbolc, which some consider to be the first day of Spring. In Shetland the worst of the winter weather may still be ahead of us this month, but Elder the otter cub rescued from Burrastow in August has come through the cold season so far in extremely good shape. She is strong, robust with a healthy appetite, and will certainly be ready to make it out in the wild once we reach the end of March when the fish are starting to run and she will have less of a struggle fending for herself - though of course we will be in the background dropping fish off for her once she goes to give her a soft landing as an independent, self sufficient otter. #draatsie #imbolc #shetland
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
19 January 2025 at 21:12
Seal pup Storm, the perfect example of a handsome selkie, finally went back to the wild this afternoon two months after being rescued during Storm Bert when she was found on a beach in Fetlar. A worn out white coat when she arrived, she never stopped thriving going from strength to strength until today when it was her time to go and make a life for herself in the big blue! Swim free selkie Storm! #selkie #sealpup #greyseal #shetland
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
18 January 2025 at 22:26
Here’s Storm…rescued in November from Fetlar and ready to be released back to the wild tomorrow!!! #selkie #shetland #gowild
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
18 January 2025 at 21:02
Elder the otter rescued as a cub out past Walls on the west side is looking fabulous five months after she arrived at the sanctuary just a few weeks old. Here she is in the recent snow swimming in her pool and being hostile - just how we like them! #draatsie #shetland
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
30 December 2024 at 09:15
Our dear old Smudge, who looks like an old fellow even though he's still a pup, has proved to be a tremendous challenge since he was rescued almost two months ago from the West Voe beach at the Shetland mainland's southern tip. He is the latest of a lengthening line of grey seal pups we have received at the sanctuary over the past few years who have displayed what we can only describe as "learning difficulties". Even though he was fully moulted when he was brought here, and should have been on the verge of catching his own meals, he has shown almost no aptitude when it comes to eating independently. We have been hand feeding him from the start to maintain his weight, and though he shows great interest when he comes across a juicy herring in his pool, he doesn't seem to know what to do with it other than chomp it into pieces. He definitely has displayed problems with swallowing, which might be a major part of the problem, and we are happy to say that after weeks and weeks of patient effort, he is now managing to swallow fish whole. Smudge is just taking a long time to get there, but we are confident that we will be able to release him back to the natural world where he belongs in the not too distant future. His condition does make us wonder about what is going on with our selkies these days though. #selkie #sealpup #greyseal #shetland
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
17 December 2024 at 20:18
We drove all the way to the southern tip of Shetland's mainland this morning after receiving a call from Jan Tylsar about this young grey seal, who he was able to get quite close to in order to check that it was OK. Though it looked healthy and a decent size, we thought it best to go and have a look for ourselves, even though it was a 60 mile drive from Hillswick. We had a lovely walk from Scatness, but there was no sign of any seal when we found the cove where it had hauled out. No doubt it was just exhausted after the recent storms and just needed a rest. With the winter weather bringing rough seas we're likely to see more seals like this needing to haul out and rest. Please contact the sanctuary if you come across any, though we may just ask someone to monitor them rather than just bringing them into captivity. #selkie #storm
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
11 December 2024 at 14:56
It has really been a heartbreaking day here at Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary. Last weekend we noticed that both our remaining two underweight seal pups from Orkney were showing signs of a similar problem as Sandy who passed away last week. We immediately started them on an intensive course of antibiotics and fluids following advice from our local vets, treating them every three hours. We were confident that both Frankie and Stevie were recovering well throughout this week. They had more energy and all the other signs indicated that they were improving. So it was a devastating shock to walk into the seal unit at 6am this morning to find that they had both passed away. We are determined to find out what the cause of death for all three Orkney pups is, so we have already taken them for a post mortem and hopefully will have some results fairly soon. May they both rest in peace xxx #selkie
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
06 December 2024 at 21:24
Meanwhile a third seal pup arrived at the sanctuary from Orkney on this morning's NorthLink Ferries boat. Stevie was rescued by BDMLR Orkney - Public three days ago after being found alone and malnourished on a rocky beach. A female, she is a lot stronger (and noisier) than Sandy was, and might prove a match for the equally noisy Frankie who can be heard in the background of this video. Already moulting, she is eagerly tucking into fish pieces and if she carries on at this rate she should start putting on weight after coming in at 13.5 kilos. #selkie #sealpup #greyseal #orkney #shetland #wildliferescue
Hillswick Wildlife Sanctuary
06 December 2024 at 20:15
It is with considerable sadness that we have to report that the beautiful young grey seal pup Sandy who arrived from Orkney last week died yesterday. She was extremely thin on arrival and had probably never been fed by her mother, so did not have the benefit of the all-important colostrum that contains so much of the goodness that helps any new born thrive. And though she ate enthusiastically when she was rescued, she gradually faded as she lost her ability to fight to stay alive. Her story reflects the importance of those early feeds from mum and the challenge we face keeping pups alive in these circumstances. May her spirit swim freely now she has gone. #selkie #sealpup #greyseal #shetland
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